The map below  shows the Heaton Mersey Conservation Area.

Heaton Mersey Conservation Area (click to view larger image in new window)

Heaton Mersey Conservation Area

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest where it is desirable to preserve or enhance their character or appearance.

Local Planning Authorities designate conservation areas.  They may be large or small, often centred on listed buildings, but not always – pleasant groups of unlisted buildings, the historic layout of roads, public spaces, parks, trees, street furniture, street surfaces, views and vistas – these are all significant contributors to the appearance of an area and give it its special character.    This can be adversely affected if the area’s environmental significance and historic heritage are not adequately recognised, interpreted and protected. Any change must enhance the general character of the area.

Click here to see the Heaton Mersey Character Appraisal Document, Maps and Management Plan.  The Appraisal Document has photos of Heaton Mersey’s 8 listed buildings and 25 locally listed buildings.

Clicking the links will take you to these photos in our Facebook Photo Album

Conservation Policy Guidelines
  1. The presumption in all conservation areas is that the existing building stock will remain unless there are justifiable reasons for demolition and redevelopment.
  2. Full applications must be made for planning permission, listed building and conservation area consents. These should include detailed plans and elevations of any proposal in its setting, together with precise specification of all materials to be used. Some form of three-dimensional representation of the proposals may also be necessary. All applications will be advertised in the local press to allow comment in addition to the consultation with neighbours.
  3. The design of any new buildings must be in keeping with the style, size and massing of adjoining buildings or with the essential architectural character of the conservation area.
  4. Alterations or extensions to existing buildings should be designed in sympathy with the architectural character of the buildings to which they relate.
  5. The materials and colour of any new development should be complementary to those on existing adjacent buildings.
  6. The existing landscape framework of the area should be respected in the design of new planting schemes. Where sites have existing tree coverage, a tree survey is required as part of any planning application to show the impact of development on the existing landscape.
  7. Environmental improvement schemes should reinforce the architectural, urban design and landscape character of the area.
Special Controls on Development

Planning permission is not required for certain categories of small scale development – this is known as ‘permitted development’.     However, the character of a conservation area can be spoilt by an accumulation of relatively minor but inappropriate alterations to buildings and their immediate surroundings.  Therefore, Stockport Council has made Article 4 Directions’ as applicable to small scale development in some of the conservation areas in the borough; and this is the case in Heaton Mersey.  Before commencing any small scale work to a building or its curtilage, check with the Planning Department to see if planning permission is required.

Listed Building Consent

Certain buildings have been statutory listed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, as being of special architectural or historic interest. Anyone intending to demolish or partially demolish such a building, or to extend or alter it needs ‘listed building consent’. This is required whether or not the works are internal or external and the application has to be made to the Local Planning Authority. It is a prosecutable offence to carry out work on a listed building without first obtaining this consent.

Conservation Area Consent

Anyone wishing to demolish or partially demolish an unlisted building within a conservation area must first apply to the Local Planning Authority. There are certain minor exemptions to this rule on which officers of the Planning Department will give advice. In assessing whether consent should be granted, the Authority will take account of not only the individual merit of the building but also its group value and importance in relation to the character or appearance of the area, the effect of its removal and the merits of any proposals to replace it.

Protection of Trees

All trees in a conservation area are protected, whether or not they are already included in Tree Preservation Orders. Anyone wishing to lop, top, fell or uproot a tree must give the Local Planning Authority six weeks’ notice of this intention, during which time a Tree Preservation Order may be made by the Authority. It is a prosecutable offence to proceed with work affecting trees within a conservation area without the Council’s consent.


Certain advertisements and shop signs can be unsightly intrusions in the local scene. Whilst some advertising can be justified to ensure the viability of businesses in the area, it must not be allowed to dominate the conservation area setting. If need arises, the Council may designate Areas of Special Control, as part of environmental enhancement proposals.

How to Object to a Planning Application

Here are two advisory videos from CPRE

CPRE Norfolk Planning Training Seminar: How to Respond to a Planning Application

How to Object to a Planning Proposal – Campaign to Protect Rural England (Shropshire)

Please click on the Links page for further information.