We are committed to working in partnership with Stockport Council and other voluntary and specialist groups to help conserve and promote Heaton Mersey’s heritage assets and greenspaces.
Here are some of the things we do:
- host and support volunteer task days at our local parks and greenspaces. This includes helping maintain the species rich grasslands and footpaths at Mersey Vale Nature Park, the flower beds and borders at Heaton Mersey Park, collecting litter and more.
- publish walks and trails so people can explore and discover the local area and its hidden gems. Click here to see our walks.
- lobby for and fund enhancements to our parks and the conservation area.
- hold local history evenings on the historical and geographical context that led to modern day Heaton Mersey.
- run community events
- raise conservation issues with the Council and our local Councillors on behalf of local residents. If you have an issue you think we should know about and/or think we can help with then please contact us.